Whats new :
- Global :
- 82 models added to supported list.
- Little changed format of file name for backup.
- Now search editbox extended to 8 chars for phones with long name like MG230Ngo.
- To time in name added seconds(to avoid rewrite file with same name during fast operations).
- Fixed error messages which appears in case save backup from phone with damaged IMEI.
- For support also added flashes in .SRE format.
- Protection moved to SLOT12 ! ! !
- AD tab:
- Reactivated automatic backup and save the caldata for all AD phones immediately after connect with phone.
- Added new models : M4400/M4410/ME500/CE500/KF300/KF305/KF240/KF245/KP202i/KG129/MG230Ngo/MG230d/MG296 MG295d/MG295GO/GM200/GM205/GM210/G510/G5220/F2250/MG300/KG248/CE500/MG120/KP210/ME591/ MG280d/MG300d/MG320c/MG320d/MG800d/ME540/A7110/A7150/MG225/TG800f/MG230/MG235/MG295/LG300/KF245c/G282/G262
- Models GM200,GM205,GM210 added as experimental cos baud rates higher then 230400 not work.
- Added reading code feature for GM210 and in next releases will be added more.
- Added detection of qty of flash chip in phone.
- Added handling some new types of Intel flash chip.
- Added more correct conversion firmwares in MOT and M0.
- Added correct progress bar during conversion firmwares in MOT and M0.
- Added new algo for search versions of firmwares.
- Totally rebuilded read and write operations.
- Added more correct recognition of flash parts during open flash file.
- Fixed skeep empty blocks feature.
- Fixed repair unauthorized phone for some models.
- Fixed bug in "Repair non authorised" for some models.
- Fixed comport select for ADI models.
- Fixed minor bugs related to handling FFS part of phone.
- Fixed booting baudrate for part of phones.
- TI tab:
- Added new models : G4020/G7020/G7030/L1200i/MG185/MG191/MG210/MG270/
- Added Locosto based phones : CG180,CG180go,KP150q,KP151q,KP152q,CP150
- Added codereader for locosto phones.
- Added Callypso+ models: CG300, F1200, KG330, KG338, KG810, KG98, MG530, MG810, MG810c, MG810d, TG300
- Added Hercrom based models: B1200/B1300/Alcatel XG1(OT320) for full support.
- Fixed comport select for TI models.
- Temporary disabled IMEI repair for all models and write operations for locosto based. until next release.
- Fixed skip empty blocks feature.
- Fixed wrong dir for save eeprom backups.
- S-gold tab:
- Added new models: A110, A180, C100, C105, GB105a, KP107b, GS101a, GS105go, GS106a
- Fixed code reading in A130,A133
- Samsung tab:
- Added experimental support for : C3530,E2350.
- We need locked full flash from this phones.
- MTK tab:
- Improved stability of first communication.
- Temporary removed NAND flash reading until next release.
- Made preparation for support code reading from S310 and same.
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